Links, bookmarks, and some notes
June 2024
- One World Optimization Seminar in Vienna (2024). #optimization
- Cosma's notebooks. #homepage
- Alan U. Kennington. Writing a wtf 2000p books on differential geometry. #homepage #geodiff
- leits/MeetingBar. menu-bar app for your calendar meetings. #macos
- Advanced Topics In Statistical Machine Learning by Tom Rainforth (Oxford). #ml #lecture-notes
- Probability by Tomasz Tkocz (CMU). Nice set of graduate notes on probbility. #probability #lecture-notes
- Let's reproduce GPT-2 (124M) by Andrej Kaparthy (Zero to Hero serie) via twitter. #llm
- Scratchapixel. (Recently?) updated tutorial on computer graphics. #graphics
- Scalable MatMul-free Language Modeling (2024) by Zhu et al. Seems similar toMultiplication-Free Transformer Training via Piecewise Affine Operations (2023) by Kosson and Jaggi. #llm
- huggingface/llm-vscode. LSP server for LLM (OpenAI or llama.cpp). #llm
- Lecture notes on rough paths and applications to machine learning (2024) by Thomas Cass and Cristopher Salvi. Around 100 pages going from controlled differential equations to machine learning applications (essentially Neural C/O/RDE). #rough-paths #neural-ode
- σ-GPTs: A New Approach to Autoregressive Models (2024) by Arnaud Pannatier, Evann Courdier, and François Fleuret. Basic idea: no fix order in the sequence, but keep an autoregressive model beyond that. via hn #llm
- The Variational Formulation of the Fokker--Planck Equation (1998) by Richard Jordan, David Kinderlehrer, and Felix Otto. Variational scheme converging to the solution of the Fokker-Planck equation. #fokker-planck
- CARTE: Pretraining and Transfer for Tabular Learning (2024) by Myung Jun Kim, Léo Grinsztajn, Gaël Varoquaux. Deep model for tabular data using graph representation (GAT behind). #tabular
- Everyone Should Learn Optimal Transport, Part 1 quick review of OT for ML. #optimal-transport
- Michael Fogleman insane set of projects such as a sdf builder, a voxel engine. #homepage
- How I learned Vulkan and wrote a small game engine with it via hn. Semi-long post-mortem on learning Vulkan. Mention in particular vkguide. #graphics #vulkan
- Fast randomized least-squares solvers can be just as accurate and stable as classical direct solvers (2024) by Ethan N. Epperly, Maike Meier, Yuji Nakatsukasa. Stochastic LS solver supposed to be a dropin replacement of QR-based methods. #randomized-la
- Lecture Notes in Probabilistic Diffusion Models (2023) by Inga Strümke, Helge Langseth. Quick intro to diffusion models. #ddm
- nikitabobko/AeroSpace. Tiling manager for macOS (yubai style but without desactivation of SIP). #macos
- tosh. Scratch text-based editor. #scratch
- jordanbaird/Ice. Bartender replacement. #macos
- Generalization Bounds for Heavy-Tailed SDEs through the Fractional Fokker-Planck Equation (2024) by Benjamin Dupuis and Umut Şimşekli. Heavy tails seems to lead to a fractional FP equation. #fokker-planck #heavy-tails
- Patrick Kidger. Researcher at Google, working especially on Neural C/O/RDE. #homepage #neural-ode
- while True: learn(). Game where you play a cat that learns to code. #gaming
- Art Owen. Terrific book on Monte Carlo methods. #monte-carlo
- Nicholas Carlini. Researcher at Google Brain, working on adversarial robustness. #homepage #security
- Ask HN: Could you share your personal blog here?. List of personal blogs. #homepage
- RetroDiffusion by AstroPulse. Generating pixel art with diffusion model. #ddm #pixel-art
- David Tong. Huge set of lecture notes in theoretical physics (from Newtonian dynamics to QFT). #physics
May 2024
- Tweet of Peyman Milanfar on Tweedie's formula. #denoising
- List (X) of talks on normalizing flows. #normalizing-flows
- Introduction to Probabilistic Graphical Models and Deep Generative Models-MVA by Pierre-Alexandre Mattei and Pierre Latouche. #ddm
- Understanding Transformer Reasoning Capabilities via Graph Algorithms (2024). #transformers-theory
- Using LaTeXML to convert your latex files to accessible html - HackMD. Tutorial on using LaTeXML. #latex
- Scaling Laws and Compute-Optimal Training Beyond Fixed Training Durations (2024). Do we need cosine scheduler? via twitter. #optimization
- delve. Fun experiment to explore connection between notions. via hn. #llm
- What We Learned from a Year of Building with LLMs (Part I). via hn. #llm
- Ray Tracing with Voxels in C++ Series – Part 1 – Jacco’s Blog by Jacco Bikker. Series on ray tracing with voxels. #graphics #ray-tracing
- How Do Transformers Learn Topic Structure: Towards a Mechanistic Understanding (2023) by Yuchen Li, Yuanzhi Li, Andrej Risteski. #transformers-theory
- Antonin Carette. Lots of post on graphics. #homepage #graphics
- Masterclass by Nilaus - Master book - Factorio Blueprint. Factorio blueprint book for 2-rails city block. #factorio
- The effect of smooth parametrizations on nonconvex optimization landscapes | Mathematical Programming (2024) by Eitan Levin, Joe Kileel & Nicolas Boumal. Transform a nonsmooth problem into a smooth one. #optimization
- potamides/DeTikZify. TikZ generator (MCTS-based) + dataset with associated paper DeTikZify: Synthesizing Graphics Programs for Scientific Figures and Sketches with TikZ (2024) by Jonas Belouadi, Simone Paolo Ponzetto, Steffen Eger. #tikz #rl
- Getting Started In Computer Graphics. #graphics
- Emacs GTD flow evolved. #gtd #orgmode #emacs
- Écriture, relecture et publication multi-formats d’une thèse avec Quarto. #quarto
- Converting LaTeX to HTML: technical notes – Richard Zach. #latex
- Tony Zorman. An auctex contributor. #homepage #emacs
- Show HN: I built an Obsidian plugin to create notes from BibTeX. #obsidian
- ItzCrazyKns/Perplexica. Open source alternative to #llm
- Deep linear networks for regression are implicitly regularized towards flat minima (2024) by Pierre Marion, Lénaïc Chizat. #sharpness-ml
- 10 Books Full of Rails. Whole set of rails blueprints. #factorio
- Bento3D. 3D printable dividers (presentation) via hn. #3dprint
- ImageOptim/gifski. Highest-quality GIF encoder based on pngquant. #gif
- Breck's Blog. Lots of interesting stuff on writing. Scroll notation. #homepage
- Writing by Bob Doto. #homepage #zettelkasten
- 3,000 Best Free Movies on YouTube Playlist. #movies
- N-Dimensional Gaussians for Fitting of High Dimensional Functions (2024) by Stavros Diolatzis, Tobias Zirr, Alexandr Kuznetsov, Georgios Kopanas, Anton Kaplanyan. Going beyond 2d/3d gaussian splatting. #gaussian-splatting
- yklcs/jaxsplat. 3D Gaussian Splatting in JAX (via reddit). #gaussian-splatting
- Llama 3 implemented in pure NumPy · The Missing Papers via (hn). #llm
- Discovering Small GitHub Projects for Contributing to FOSS. Find software that have a small impact and contribute to them in any way. #foss
- Developing mathematical software in C. #c
- Blog @ programming blog. #homepage